Human Bone Analysis

The excavation of graves containing well preserved human remains
The skull and leg bones of a female found within a stone-built cist

Human Bone Analysis, or osteology, is the scientific study of bones and teeth and is used to gain an insight into past peoples and societies. The purpose of examining a skeleton is to determine information such as the individual's sex, age at death, cause of death, disease or 'pathologies' suffered during life, stress on the bones, trauma from breaks or combat, burial type and burial traditions. Together this information can be used to reconstruct the probable lifestyle of the individual. Analysis of a group of skeletons can be used to assess the skeletal 'population' as a whole in order to enhance our knowledge of what life was like in the past.

ARS Ltd provides a complete service that includes:

All projects and reports are carried out in accordance with PPG 16 (Department of the Environment, 1990), the guidelines produced by The Institute of Field Archaeologists and English Heritage and the Guidance to Standards for Recording of Human Bone (Brickley and McKinley, 2004).

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