Planning information

The information provided on this page is intended to assist visitors to our website gain access to useful documents and information related to planning in the UK.


Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979

Building Regulations and Historic Buildings – energy efficiency

European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (Valletta Convention)

National Heritage Act 2002

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Protection of Wrecks Act 1973

Treasure Act 1996 Code of Practice (Revised) England and Wales

UNESCO World Heritage Convention

Planning Policy

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) see Section 16

Town and Country Planning Act (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017

Planning Guidance

Guide to the Planning System

NPPF Planning Practice Guidance (PPG)

Environmental Stewardship Guidance

Historic England’s Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 1. The Historic environment in local plans (GPA 1)

Historic England’s Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 2. Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment (GPA 2)

Historic England’s Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 3. The Setting of Heritage Assets (GPA 3)

Historic England’s Advice Note 1. Conservation Areas

Historic England’s Advice Note 2. Making Changes to Heritage Assets

Historic England’s Advice Note 3. The Historic Environment and Site Allocations in Local Plans

Historic England’s Advice Note 4. Tall Buildings

Historic England’s Advice Note 5. Setting up a Listed Building Partnership Agreement

Historic England’s Advice Note 6. Drawing up a Local Listed Building Consent Order

Historic England’s Advice Note 7. Local Heritage Listing

Historic England’s Advice Note 8. Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environment Assessment

Historic England’s Advice Note 9. The Adaptive Reuse of Traditional Farm Buildings

Historic England’s Advice Note 10. Listed Buildings and Curtilage

Historic England’s Advice Note 11. Neighbourhood Planning and the Environment

Historic England’s Advice Note 12. Statements of Heritage Significance: Analysing Significance in Heritage Assets

Historic England’s Advice Note 13. Mineral Extraction and Archaeology

Historic England’s Advice Note 14. Energy Efficiency and Traditional Homes

Historic England’s Advice Note 15. Commercial Renewable Energy Development and the Historic Environment

Historic England’s Advice Note 16. Listed Building Consent

Historic England’s Advice Note 17. Planning and Archaeology

CBI Arch Invest Code of Practice

Other Relevant Documents and Links

Historic Environment Guidance Library (including links to HELM webinars)

Historic England Website

Chartered Institute for Archaeologists

Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers

Heritage Counts – The State of England’s Historic Environment

MAGIC Interactive Map (national database showing all types of statutorially designated archaeological sites)